• Daniel Otero

    Estimada Lorena:

    innsent av  Daniel Otero i Kina forum 

    Primeramente, como estais? Saludos a la bella Iberia.

    Well, to answer your question... Chinese are simply shy. Lack of openness in the last 60 years has cost them a problem in communication and extreme shyness.

    This problem you will see it in males between 16 and 24 years of age. The sad part is, they are that way because they don't have any role models and even their parents are extremely shy people. This happened because of closure and the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s.

    You get them much more confident in their 30s and they are more sexy, but you have to find them in the bigger cities.

    Por cierto, de donde eres. Yo tuve hogar en Galicia, pero naci en los EEUU. Bonito dia...


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