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    Are Chinese guys uptight or just shy?

    innsent av  boh tuan i Kina forum 

    Hi Daniel Otero,

    Nice to hear from you. From your various posts I have formed an opnion that you are someone who can accept someone who has opinion which differs from yours.
    If my conclusion is correct, then can we discuss (as opposed to debate) further on this subject, and if needs be 'agree to disagree' without confrontation, anger, or emotional hurt.
    My only pleasant surprise is that you revealed that you have Jewish roots. I thought Jewish people is generally very established traditional ly. They are very proud and believe that they are Yaweh's chosen people (take this as a passing remark, but not for disscusion here).

    Come back to our subject under discussion. You statement " The biggest problem is not shyness, my friend, is social inadequacy" I think "social adequacy" or "social inadequacy" is subjective. What is "social adequacy" in one society is not adequate in another society. What do you mean that "young men and women cannot adapt to their age group"? To me the way they interact with one another is itself the reality of adaptation. Their role model is the successful peer from their village or from their close group (if they are from the big towns).

    Regarding your statement " an extravorted person can adapt to any environment, and that is why most are successful in business". My rejoinder is that out of 1 successful there were 9 gone into oblivion. Anyway I think most Chinese will form the opnion that the extrovert successful business man is boastful -- a negative perception. But as one says if he is successful what he cares, he is honey and all the bees will come.

    Your comment " But the leadership has made the people too UPTIGHT. I am unsure of what is meant by uptight within the context here. If you can clarify and expand with an example, then I may attempt to respond in my next post.

    Your comment " Now you are prospering because ............. You see how what a difference openenness makes". I must say my prosperity is not due to openess of Singapore, but due to it's stable and not corrupt or non-repressive goverment which create an environment where I can decide how to earn and accumulate my wealth.

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