• jack garcia


    发表  jack garcia 在 葡萄牙论坛 

    Now: there's been a lot of unecessary blabbering and lampooning of Portugal, recently - all uneccessary and all spawned by emotive reasoning. Billy Angelino tries desperately to court favour from anyone who is immersed in naïvete presenting as her 'tour de force' racism- when, in actual fact, she\ he is referring to colour prejudice, not racism. The lurid and, almost obscene, rant against Portugal is without foundation. The obseqious claim that 'Billy' lives in England warrants further doubt- as does the claim that she is black. 'Go back to Africa'? A woeful lament! A Portuguese birthright warrants: 'Go back to Portugal'! The truth is, no matter how many people step up to the podium courting literary fervour from the centuries' plight of the black man, what is evident is this: You are not black- any more than I am! Malcom X's response to 'white' intervention was clear and I paraphrase: 'You are white and no nothing of a black man's problem'! So while all our pathetic white comments sound find- even though they be convoluted- are whinging and whining about the black man's plight is merely viewed from the perspective of a white man. Angelino's arguments are emotive- verging on the paranoia which courts withdrawal symptoms from cocaine, or some other such narcotic (Or, at least, an ongong addiction to rocket fuel or the smoke from burning rabbits). A sucessive barrage of so-called political commentary ensues without the slightest notion of sociological accelerators; dire attempts to convince a readership of intellectual preconceptions.

    The black man has suffered directly as a result of white supremacy and while we stand on our soap-boxes, fervently protesting the outrages against the black man, we do nothing more than show one thing: we are white!

    A black man's problems can only be understood by a black man- not some lily-livered white person swanning around in their seat ibizas or some maudling reprobate intent on bringing disrepute to the Portuguese people. These are futile arguments.

    Their is an ongoing theme that anyone who befriends a 'white' person does so with artificial intent. This is a trite, condescending non- sense. While Angelino spouts such venom, one thing is evident: Angelino is most certainly not a member of the human race and seems to despise all those who are.

    Angelino's comments criticise the French, the English and the Spanish. Yet, Angelino resides- according to the profile statement- in England and mentions little of the English prejudice towards those whose skin is not white- or, more accurately, pink. Were Angelino to REALLLY reside in England, then, Angelino would be fully aware of the attitudes of colour prejudice. Angelino, however, does not.

