Martin Hunter

Thông tin về quản trị viên

Martin Hunter
 Martin Hunter
Thông tin về quản trị viên:
Have you just landed in the Uk? Have you been desperately looking for work and friends, but due to cultural barriers you can't seem to get anywhere? Please get in touch with me, I have an opportunity that will change your life! I love meeting new people and learning their culture. My passion is in empowering people to be self sufficient and to be able to integrate in into their community while making money and having fun at the same time.
Đang sống tại:
London (United Kingdom)
Ngôn ngữ:
English, French, Hungarian, Swahili
Tìm kiếm:
Bạn bè, Các địa chỉ kinh doanh liên lạc
Các cộng đồng:
Kenya, Poland, Taiwan, United Kingdom

Cá nhân

Trang web:
Những điều tôi thích:
People, animals, nature, carrots,
Những điều tôi ghét:
Liars, narrow minded bigots, lawyers
Tình trạng quan hệ:

Tường bảo vệ

  • Martin Hunter
     Martin Hunter

    Just be yourself, I'm easy going and find you worth my time if you can just be your beautiful true self. I accept you just as you are. I'm looking for life time friends and business contacts from all walks of life. I love participating in and organising charity events, swimming, travelling, cultural interaction, anything that brings out a smile in me

    I am married with kids, have lived in Scotland, England, Hungary and Kenya. Currently live in greater London. Anything else? Just ask...........!

  • Martin Hunter
     Martin Hunter

    Hi, I'm a fun and friendly individual looking to build my business through meeting building lasting relationships with like minded people. I am well travelled and love to meet people of different cultures. I strongly believe in Japanese kaizen principles of self development and work for a company that assists people to be the best they can be!