Ben G

Thông tin về quản trị viên

Ben G
 Ben G
Đang sống tại:
United Kingdom
Ngôn ngữ:
English, French, Spanish
Tìm kiếm:
Bạn bè, Các địa chỉ kinh doanh liên lạc
Các cộng đồng:
United Kingdom, Bursa

Chuyên nghiệp

Lĩnh vực làm việc:
Global Relocation and Education Management
Vị trí:
Language Network Specialist
Sự nghiệp trước đây:
University Student (French and Spanish); Teaching Assistant (English); Editorial Intern
+44 1793 756105

Tường bảo vệ

  •  Ben G


    Dear all,

    I am a Language Network Specialist for a global relocation company, which means I organise language training for relocating professionals and their families. I operate in various countries across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. I am always looking to expand our global language trainer network so if you would be interested in teaching your language on a freelance basis to enhance your career or to increase your income, please message me for more details.

