bonface wekesa anda

میرے بارے میں

bonface wekesa anda
 bonface wekesa anda
میرے بارے میں:
hallo, my names are just as you can read them above on my profile, i´m having my own small tours and safari company down there in Kenya and since my dream is to expand the company i am therefore looking for investors or business partners who are willing to invest in my company or to join me as a Business partners so that we can manage to expand the company and produce more opportunities to young men and women to manage there Standard of living. Please if you are interested do not hesitate link me up and we will set up an appointment for more business talk. is the name of the company.
میں رہنا:
Mainz (Germany)
German, English, Swahili
آپ ڈھونڈ رھے ہیں:
دوست , پزنس کانٹیکٹس
Germany, Spain, Mainz


ویب سائٹ:
Animals/Pets, Art, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Coffee, tea and conversation, Computers/Internet, Aerobics, Baseball, Basketball, Pool/Snooker, N/A
پسندیدہ موسیقی:
reggea,gospel n hip hop
پسندیدہ فلمیں:
Actions and love films
پسندیدہ کتابیں:
A cross the Bridge
جو چیزیں مجہے پسند ھیں:
playing music
جو چیزیں مجہے نا پسند ھیں:
تعلقات کا درجہ:
دکھایا نھیں گیا
0176 82101676
0176 82101676
carl-benz-str 23

وال/ دیوار