Annabel Mupfeki

میرے بارے میں

Annabel Mupfeki
 Annabel Mupfeki
میرے بارے میں:
Happy, social person, with the love of accounting and business world. Have worked in the Manufacturing sector , Insurance sector and eduactional sector in Zimbabwe. Currently working in the NGO sectorin Namibia. I have recently started a consultancy business: New Heights dealing with general consultancy, accounting and environmental health. A married woman, mother of one. I also love travelling and one day I will come to work in Oman , if possible.
میں رہنا:
آپ ڈھونڈ رھے ہیں:
دوست , پزنس کانٹیکٹس
Angola, Bahamas, Cyprus, Mauritius, Namibia, Oman, South Africa, Swaziland, Sweden, Zimbabwe


Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Computers/Internet, Cooking, Dining out, Gardening, Movies/Videos, Music, Photography, Religion/Spiritual, Shopping, Travel/Sightseeing, Volunteer/Community Activities, Aerobics, Jogging, Rock Climbing, Walking/Hiking, Reading and watching documentaries, history programmes teaching or mixing with children
پسندیدہ موسیقی:
R n B, Gospel, soft music
پسندیدہ فلمیں:
true life films, thriller, romantic , a bit of action
پسندیدہ کتابیں:
shakespear novels, Charles Dickens
جو چیزیں مجہے پسند ھیں:
peace, nature, dinning out, music, travelling, meeting with people, business issues.
جو چیزیں مجہے نا پسند ھیں:
Fictitious things, pretenders, dogs
تعلقات کا درجہ:
شادی شدہ

پیشے سے متعلق

African Palliative Care Association
کام کا شعبہ:
Finance Officer
پچھلا پیشہ:
Administrative Assistant, Office Assistant, Cashier, Teacher, Finance Manager

وال/ دیوار

  •  Annabel Mupfeki

    How do you apply for a job in Oman? Are they any helpful employment agents?