• Ziyao Gao

    chinese prefer a silent way

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  Ziyao Gao انرر چین فورم 

    you are absolutely right.
    Be patient and listening is always good for any communication between different cultures.
    Of course people get different ideas when they firstly contact with chinese people, even ourself doubted some time there can be some problems with ourselves. You know, if only you listen to the radio or watch the TV, you just get some negative feelling, that is called first impression in your mind which can be very solid.
    But personlly, i feel we are just different. you know, culture difference, simplely so.
    You see, Chinese prefer always behaving in silence. If you really see how do most chinese date, if you see how do my parents met, then you may understand the silent way by which people build a relationship.
    that's why each Chinese get some communication problems when they just went abroad, me also! Now no one think i am "shy", "retarded" or so XD. But at first beginning they did think i am stranger guy... What did i learnt? Just another way to express what in my mind which i always had, which i just did not tell out. The rest, nothing really changed.

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