• Gracie K. Hoang

    Moving to Basel

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  Gracie K. Hoang : Basel forumu 

    Oh its so nice of you! im so happy to read this reply. it relieves me so much!! I wont be there until July 2012 because i have to wait for my fiance to finish with his MBA in here.
    I hope you are still there by then :( I would love to meet you as well... Its so nice of you :X

    I dont know the site u refered to. u know i dont speak any German so I think I will learn it before I go so my life would be easier a little bit once i get there. I understand how you feel when you have to do the job that involves some language you are not good at. I did that before. So my first wish is to find a job that I dont have to use any German...at all...it might be tough but i will try with the links you gave me...

    You must be very happy with your husband and friends there :X after all these people are the most important encouragement to us right :)

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