• Last session for tuition free education in Sweden?

    போஸ்ட் செய்யப்பட்டது உப்யோகிபோரை நீக்கவும் அதில் சுவீடன் அமைப்பு 

    Hi Folks!

    when is the last session for tuition free education at Sweden, i have applied in BTH university for MS, i send in my documents but they declined because i didn't had the TOEFL/IELTS test score for the SPRING 2009 SESSION.

    Can i apply for tuition free education again? Was this the last session for free education will there be another tuition free session in 2010?

    please inform me with a prompt reply, i'll be more than oblgied :)

    Naveed Lal Khan

ஒரு பதிலை போஸ்ட் செய்யவும்

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