Joseph Katara

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Joseph Katara
 Joseph Katara
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Computers/Internet, Movies/Videos, Music, Nightclubs/Dancing, Photography, Bowling, Cricket, Dancing, Martial Arts, Yoga
Salmiya, Block 10


  • Joseph Katara
     Joseph Katara

    Ballroom Dance Classes

    5 Styles
    - Cha Cha
    - Hustle
    - Foxtrot
    - Waltz
    - Jive
    - Bonus (Free Style)

    Contact Joseph: 60925308
    Salmiya Block 10

  • Joseph Katara
     Joseph Katara

    Everyone has a PASSION for DANCE!

    But have you ever felt, LEFT OUT, DON’T FIT IN, and MISSING ALL THE FUN.

    Then this class of ballroom dancing is for YOU!
    Dancing turns into a new lifestyle filled with events, friendships, excitement and to top it all off a swing of health benefits!

    As you practice dancing, you will become more flexible, agile, and graceful both on and off the dance floor. It brings your mind, body, and soul together.

    The best part is… literally, anyone can do it. With the right teachers, it’s fun and easy to do. Literally, the hardest part is taking that first step… to pick up the phone, to schedule a lesson, to walk inside a dance studio.
    Once you take those first steps, the steps on the ballroom are as easy as a breath of fresh air.If I can do it, we can do it so now….YOU DO IT!

    The only place that offers 5 Styles of Ballroom Dancing.
    Cha Cha, Foxtrot, Hustle, Waltz and Jive Dancing!

    So call Joseph now at 60925308 to find out more.