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    Racism in Germany

    insänt av  Jack H i Tyskland forum  

    Katie E

    I can only speak from my experiences here in Germany. Perhaps Germans are not "racist" per se - but from what I have seen, a great many people here (more than in any other country I've ever spent time in) fear and distrust anything that is different. If you're not the same as everyone else, you are automatically somehow 'bad'. There is no sense of difference being something to be interested in here. People want to know why you're NOT like everyone else and do not accept strangers easily.

    yes - i am generalising a little. I have met many wonderful people in Germany. But I have met more than enough arseholes as well. Honestly, it is not an easy country to live in if you are not like everybody else.

    I speak German and worked hard at it. It's not perfect, but it's good enough that I can converse easily with people over the phone. I have a job here. I have joined several Vereine. Despite this, I can guarantee at least once a week I'll have an experience that makes me think "Why do I bother"?

    The only other place i can draw parallels to where I have spent time was Japan, but the discrimination was a lot more subtle there, and you can still get about on a normal day with people being nice to your face.

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