• You're welcome:)

    zaslal Vymazaný užívateľ v Fórum Azores 

    Hello again, well about the car, you could try the "Ilha Verde Rent a Car" even if I don't know how many Rent a Car buildings do we have in the island, although I know that one, even if I never rent a car there...anyways back to the "topic" you "should" give a look on it since you want to Rent a Car, about the houses well...even here it's a kinda hard to find one, not because of the amount of them but because of the prices of them,(well you can blame the deep economic crysis) anyways it will depends a lot on the money you want to spend to "Rent" a house or room, also if you will go to explore the island, you should take a look on this places

    each one it's different but also beautiful
    7 Cidades\ Sete Cidades
    Lagoa Do Fogo

    check this website if you want more information about the rent a car....


    Anything else just ask me I will be glad in offer my help to anyone interested in visit this island(as long as I know how to help), also it's a good way to keep improving myself at english:)

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