• Yes, some suck

    zaslal Vymazaný užívateľ v Fórum Nemecko 

    There are a lots of very warm and caring Germans, but unfortunately there is also the small and unpleasant minority of - pardon me - really disgusting creeps who apparently still live in Nazi Wunderland. I tend to meet one or two of them on every trip I take to Germany. They are typically shop attendants, waitresses and the like.

    Now, anywhere in the world you will meet people who are not happy with their job and show it to the people they are supposed to serve. But only in Germany can they give you the ice cold, contemptuous looks as if you deserve to be annihilated. I travel a lot, have been to more than 60 countries, have lived in a number of them, and I can assure you that there is something uniquely unsettling about a certain category of Germans. It's as if they send out a message of "OK, I have this crappy job, but I am worth more than you anyway - because you are worth zero".

    Myself being white, perhaps even German-looking(?), I can only wonder how people of other colours may feel treated by this category of people. My sympathies!

    To end on a positive note, many of the kindest and most unselfish people I know are Germans. I focus on them while travelling and just leave the store or café when encountering one of the the other kind. Life is too short to spend around people who drain your energy.

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