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  • Miles Miles


    Postado por  Miles Miles em Reino Unido forum 

    Hi, Ejaz. You see, there are so many kinds of people in this world and more often than not, there are those who are driven by greed and would do anything to have what they want - money. And mind you, they have no sense of discretion because they victimize poor naive people who readily fall for their schemes. I just hope that these people will be brought to justice, but if not, I just hope that karma gets them. In my deepest thoughts, I wish they'd be hit by lightning twice in a row and burn in hell for all eternity. They do deserve that as they have no conscience. Anyway, I just want to thank people like you who have interest in this kind of scam because maybe, you can warn others too. Let us make this a crusade and do something to these people so they may know there is a balance between doing wrong and doing what is right. Good day and regards.


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