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    Postado por Usuario deletado em Portugal forum 

    I'm so sorry you've had such a horrible experience, to be honest I was completely unaware things like these still happened in Portugal. I must be pretty naive, no matter how many stories I hear of prejudice in Portugal, they always come as a shocking surprise.

    Racism and prejudice is something I feel very strongly against, I have even developed the not very social trait of not being able to look people who are openly racist in the face. But I haven't met many.

    Most of the people in my life, friends, family, colleagues, aren't racist. I also have a few black, indian and asian friends, and they have never experienced major difficulties for being of a different race. Of course they have received a few lousy comments coming from racism or stereotypes though, but nothing serious like this.

    But of course I can't generalize from the people I know.

    The way you shouldn't generalize the portuguese! I understand you may be angry, I know I would be.

    There are a lot of old people in Portugal, and a lot of old people are racist. But usually, they just generalize, and complain, but in reality they end up being open to people. They always open exceptions, there's always that one nice black guy. I'm not saying this is good, it's bad, and it's a general attitude but I think is being overcome. The good part is that violent racism isn't a very common problem in Portugal.

    Portuguese people really like to whine, it's just our thing, and we are rarely serious, as you must know.

    Again, I'm really sorry that this has happened to you, and you've had really terrible luck. I am portuguese and I am white, so I realise I may be oblivious and speaking from a comfortable spot. But I must say this so people don't get the wrong impression, what happened to you isn't the norm.

    I wish you all the best from now on, I'm sure you will find people who will treat you with respect in this country.

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