• Holger Wulf


    Postado por  Holger Wulf em Alemanha forum 

    As a German reading your posts, I can kinda sympathize with your apathy towards Germany and the German mentality in general. I firmly believe that you need to have been born in Germany and have had a certain degree of German ancestry to fully understand why most Germans act the way they do. It's an awkward society full of loose ends and social angst if ever there was one. As a German, I'm not too fond of Germans (part of the rules). I'm sure they despise me too.

    I'm really interested in Japan and the Japanese culture and I even studied their beautiful language as a brief 2-year-stint in cultural diversity. Didn't work out as expected. Same stern clinical attitude, but I just couldn't relate as intensely as I had anticipated. The cultural differences are too large even though I assumed that the Japanese people were as similar to the Germans as any other country on the globe could be. I was wrong (obviously).

    IMO, you really need to chat with your spouse about taking a time out and maybe changing location for a while. You've been man enough to stay in a country that you obviously don't feel comfortable living in for many years now. It's time that your spouse embraces your courage and endurance and follows your lead. If she loves you as much as you seem to love her, then a 2 year (at the least) trip to the US seems like a reasonable compromise. A necessity even?

    Please take the time to think about your own needs as a husband (and a father?) and keep your Zen healthy. Germany will suck the soul out of you if you're not German or if you're too proud to adapt to our shit completely.

    Germans are extremely simple creatures. They yearn guidance and recognition to a point where they demand it from everybody and everything around them. If you don't feel the same way, then shit will inevitable clash: in an ugly way. Get out while you still can.

    You seem like a great guy G.M. If I ever go back to Deutschland (currently happily content in this here Holland), we should meet for a beer or 10. Make that nein. And then beat up some Turks. Yeah, I know, they'd kick our asses, but at least "we'd've" tried. You know, like proper Germans do...

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