• Patient of Dr. Urzola

    dodane przez Użytkownik usunięty w  Kostaryka forum 

    Almost two years ago I was on vacation visiting a friend in Costa Rica. During one of our adventure exercise excursions I fell off a mountain bike and the top of my lip cut open. I was brought to CIMA hospital and was told that I needed stitches. Being that I needed sewing in my face area, I was more concerned about the scar that the stitches may form, and opted to have a plastic surgeon do the stitching for me. There was a plastic surgeon on call, but while in the emergency area I asked the staff for recommendations on good plastic surgeons. Two of the nurses recommended Dr. Urzola, one had a tummy tuck done with him, and the other one shared a story of how he had reconstructed the face of a 24 year old boy who was mangled by bull ( Bull rings in Costa Rica are somewhat a tradition, I guess). After requesting for him, I had to wait two hours because he was not on call, and was said to have been in surgery at another hospital. When he finally came, I was pretty anxious by then, and my lip was swollen beyond recognition. He suggested to wait for the swelling to go down. Early morning the next day, I was seen and stitched by Dr. Urzola. I was calmed down by his pleasing demeanor. For the next two weeks that followed, I kept in close contact with him and his secretary, as I wanted to make sure I would do everything right to minimize the scarring. When I would call the office, Dr. Urzola was either in consultation or surgery, but he never failed to return my call within the same day. In looking back, mine was only a lip tear, and yet he was reliable in every way. True to what the nurses said, he is good with suturing. My scar is barely visible, and I mean barely. He sewed my lip in a way that made it even look fuller. Funny to say, but I even like the way it looks more now than it did before my mishap. I ran into this forum today by chance because I had just recommend Dr. Urzola to a friend who is interested in getting breast augmentation, and lipofilling in her laugh lines, and I wanted to show her the Dr's website. Participating in these forums are not my thing, but I feel that the least I could do for the great lip result I got, was to share my experience in this way. The impression that I got from Dr. Urzola is that he takes pride in the job he does from beginning to end. He was trained in Europe. He seemed really detail oriented, answered all my questions thoroughly and seemed genuinely interested.
    In the end, you have to go with what feels right for you. Good luck with your decision. I was happy with mine.

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