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    innsent av  vijay raj i Kuwait forum 

    well, whether its pc to pc or pc to fone. its the same technology. VOIP. If anyone one tries to make a business of it, then certainly there are raids. this is true all over the world.

    "Downloading and installing Skype is not the prob. It's when you get to the part when you want to pay them so you could call cellphone 'x' in lala-land is the prob. This requires you to log into their site open your account and put some folouse as credits - that page will not open because the site is banned."

    Well, i thought you had a skype account before you came to kuwait. however,you can ask someone back home to credit on ur behalf.

    "You reckon I should give some cash to a bunch of guys huh? Lol, that would be a cold day in hell"

    Not at all.the account might abscond.thats a risk u take.just don't give them your whereabouts if you are too much concerned abt laws.

    "So what happens if the Ministry catches me using Skype? Not that I would be stupid enough to use it at an internet cafe or other public location. Do I get fined?"

    technically its nearly impossible. not sure about fine

    Bottom line is, its illegal. but voip calls can never be blocked. Downloading music,movies is banned. has anyone stopped doing it ?

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