• Nick Ryan


    Објавено од  Nick Ryan во Кувајт форум  

    Heavy on words they heard someone else say and low on intelligence, the fools wade into waters they don't understand, easily dismissing topics far beyond their limited intelligence and world view with answers designed to appeal to their simple minds. This is the most unfortunate and ignorant conversation that I've ever seen take place anywhere, both online and in real life. The universe is offended at the pandering and general stupidity expressed on these pages. I've never been so convinced of anything in my entire life.

    Saying anyone, no matter who, is in Kuwait for the security of oil is foolish, and only a fool would say or think such a farce. I won't even waste the keystrokes to dispel such foolishness, I'll only say that world needs fools to be easily tricked into thinking such nonsense. It was as false a lie in 1991 as it is today. My countrymen fought and died in the Balkans. Where, prey tell, is the oil there? Where is the oil in Korea, where over 4 times the American soldiers then are stationed in Kuwait make their home? Oil, surely. Same for the Phillipeenes, Japan, Bahrain, Turkey, Germany and others right?. Shall I go on? Fools.

    Saying that the oil will never run out is also a fools game, since the world is a finite place bound by the constraints of the space and time continuum and natural resources will not last forever. This is a fact readily acknowledged by all in Kuwait, to include the government here. They have a plan for when that happens, and are working on the beginnings of it, to be launched in 2020. Do you know what it is? of course not, but I do. Read the newspaper before you make preposterousness statements based on idle chatter.

    Judging the merits of a country not your own is also folly. Concern yourself with your homeland. The people of every Nation have the right to make their country any way they like. Who is anyone to throw stones? Concern yourself with places and things that are real and where you a son or daughter of that place. Leave America to the Americans, Germany to the Germans, and Kuwait to the Kuwaitis.

    And leave the idle chatter to the confines of your home, and to people with the perspective and brain power to process information in a way that makes sense in reality. If the shoe fits your foot, then wear it.

    I hope everyone enjoys their stay in Kuwait.

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