• Egor Mo의 프로프필로 이동

    Russian words game

    게시한 사람  Egor Mo 속 러시아 공개토론 

    Hi all, I live in Moscow, and I'll tell you about my feeling about Russian language learning and it's learners. Sometimes I listen to Russian political radio, where you can hear politics from different counties. There are many embassies in Moscow, and sometimes representatives of embassies are invited to the broadcasts. I am proved, that invited people are all professionals which have spent much time for the Russian language. But their Russian is very far from be called perfect! There are a lot of misunderstandings, wrong endings, and very, very strong accents. It's not a problem to become fluent English speaker, but it seems to me, that if you was born in not Slavonic country, your Russian will never reach the level, at which people around you would suggest, that you are 'their guy'.
    To tell the truth, Russian grammar also seems to me very difficult.Russian speaks Russian, but very low percent of Russians will tell you, why they used this concrete word form or ending.
    Beside non Romanian alphabet, there are many difficult grammar rules. Thus, for example, banality word game!

    прыгать to jump -
    прыжок a jump -
    прыганье the jumping
    я прыгаю I am jumping
    он прыгает he is jumping
    мы прыгаем we are jumping
    они прыгают they are jumping
    оно прыгает it is jumping
    я прыгнул I have jumped
    Он прыгал he has jumped
    она прыгнула she has jumped
    мы прыгнули we have jumped
    они прыгнули they are jumped
    прыгающий мужчина jumping man
    прыгающая женщина jumping women
    прыгающие люди jumping people
    давай прыгнем! Let’s jump!
    я сейчас прыгну! I am going to jump
    давай прыгать Lets jumping
    Джон, Не прыгай! John, don’t jump!

    lets change 'to jump' to 'to call' we will get:

    я звоню
    он звонит
    мы звоним
    они звонят
    оно звонит
    звонящий мужчина
    звонящая женщина
    звонящие люди
    давайте позвоним
    я собираюсь позвонить
    давайте звонить
    Oh, there is another rule of the ending-forming, because this verb in the other verb-group!

    As you can see, there are many different word-endings. Does it real to learn all the rules, which regulate them, and to use it in a proper way? I don't really know.
    In adding, there are many other funny things, for example a noun, which is also flexible for variety transformations :)
    So, if you have chosen Russian, be ready to spent 20 years for it's studying, ha-ha

    And as one of our best writers - Kuprin has said: "«Русский язык в умелых руках и в опытных устах – красив, певуч, выразителен, гибок, послушен, ловок и вместителен."

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