• classy gal

    good luck with your decision

    게시한 사람  classy gal 속 쿠웨이트 공개토론 

    moving to kuwait is a BIG decision, especially if you have family here. i moved back here because i am originally from here.to be honest i wish i thought hard and rationally about it before i came here.

    i hope you the best in coming here. but some advice from a person that went through this. i say if you are coming here just for your family, think long and hard before you come.

    most relatives think you are living outside in what they call "ghurba", like when you come to kuwait your finally "home".
    they dont get this is a foreign country for you, kuwaitis are nice, but they mostly dont get this will be new to you. as long as your coming here, you have to take the family out of the equation, it will save you alot of heart ache to not depend on them for social security.
    and your doing something good already not relying on them for job search and looking for a job before you come.
    i wish i thought about that before parking my self in kuwait :D

    good luck and if you have any question feel free to ask

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