  • Rob Bartlitz

    Hi Pernille

    게시한 사람  Rob Bartlitz 속 그리스 공개토론 

    Pernille, Greece is actually like everywhere nowadays. Jobs are hard to find and living has become more expensive. The price of food has gone through the roof on the global market, and it has affected Greece as well as all other countries. This has mainly been due to political instability in the Middle East, which has driven the price of oil up and consequently the cost of transport.

    I know that Greece is struggling badly at the moment, but as I say - remember that majority of countries are. Being able to have a good, steady job is a luxury in Britain and food and petrol prices are abysmal. Coupled with a general high cost of living, Britain is in the same situation and it looks like it will get only worse.

    What I'm saying is that, just like eveyrwhere else, you're going to find it difficult to secure a job there and will certainly struggle for the first few months, but if you look on the positive side, Greece has stunning countryside, over 4000 beautiful islands with pristine clear warm waters, sun for most of the year, fresh, tasty and healthy food, a rich, fascinating history and wonderfully friendly people who take life at a much slower pace than most other European neighbours.

    If you are serious about moving to Greece, don't look at it like a tourist, but rather as an opportunity for creating a new life for yourself and your family. Don't be afraid to move to Greece, just be cautious - like you would be moving to any country.

    All the best,


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