• Ulises Kahloのプロフィールに行く

    Dora Böhm

    によるポスト  Ulises Kahlo に ドイツ フォーラム 

    Almoust all posts of this thread are worthless. This thread is bent on making people write. The easiest way is an undiffererentiated stereotype topic, where everybody can have a share in without knowing much.

    [In fact, I think many young Germans f.e. have an high ecological thinking, a social concience in high gear, are idealistic and express a critical opinion of comsumption and globalization - however, a thread about these traits wouldn't have worked the same ;-) ]

    If you really are a student, you should have seen through it at once.

    Finally, your post in no exception either. You can't believe that your post would assist someone in something, can you?

