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    pubblicato da  T Y in Germania forum  

    @ Anna, you don't need to be afraid of becoming a foreigner. Racists are everywhere like it's been mentioned multiple times. Whenever im in germany, I see neo nazis once in a while, but I couldn't care less about them. I'm more discouraged by the hostile unfriendly otherwise very normal regular Germans. This is what makes Germany very unique, at least Germany is the only country I lived in where regular folks are so hostile towards foreigners. So in other words, as a German, you should be fine as a foreigners elsewhere.

    I even read somewhere that a Japanese tourist was a little bit confused at the train station while trying to purchase a ticket, so she asked a neo nazi kid nearby, and he kindly helped her. LOL. I'm not saying neo nazis are all angels. But they are harmless when they are not in group, just a bunch of cowards. On the other hand, an old brave German grandma might chase you down just to spit on you.

    Germany is very unique, I doubt you'll experience anything like it as a foreigner in any other country.

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