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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

Diposting di forum Jerman

I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • diposting oleh  di forum Jerman 

    And you missed it completely and entirely. And if you really think that African history before the Europeans came and stole everything they could was anywhere more peaceful than European history,well... that is just false. You claimed that "some of us" (whoever that may be) think Africa had no history. Well, I don´t and I know something of it. And it isn´t a peaceful history AT ALL. It is history like everywhere else,there is war, building of empires, trade routes, treaties, what have you.
    For the record, I did neither negate nor play down any atrocity the Third Reich (or, for that matter,the German Empire) commited. I think, however, that other countries would do well to have a closer look at their own history aswell. Not to play down anything in German history but to come to a better understanding of how to prevent evil things from happening again.

    So if there is really an interest in an open discussion, I would find it really dandy if I wouldn´t be called racist,be it open or not, whenever I write something "you all" do not like.

  • Pergi ke profil patrick eso

    diposting oleh  di forum Jerman 

    Their is nothing like mild Xenophobia ,acute Xenophobia or not at all.Some of us are trying very had to lessen the weight of human behaviours that are so extrem to water it down to normallcy.To emphacise more on these, few weeks ago in London were FIFA friendly match between Scotland and Brazil which ended 2-0 in fairvour of Brazil , the two goals was scored by Nymar (No 9) ,on his way out during substitution a by standar threw banana at his side , Later it was discorved it was a German Tourist.Thanks to well wired cameras every where in the stadium.Trying to hide but immediately police fished the individual culprit out, and immediately gave out the nationality.These is what is called open democracy at work.Back home in germany it is hardly mentioned.offcourse I phoned some friends I still have , nobody new of it.These is exportation of culture abroad.

  • Pergi ke profil patrick eso

    diposting oleh  di forum Jerman 

    You got it Quite wrong, Africans has not even reached the Level of wars that was fought on the continent of Europe in the past 700/600 years ago. Very brutal times. Even within Germany formerly known at the time to be Prussia, Towns fight against each other.I am not here to assemble all their names,100 's of it alone just between France,Germany alone not to include the scandnavian countries combined.Wars being fought in africa is economic wars, where private europeans/ including multinationals take advantage of situations,because most africans are not brought up as Nationalist,the engage in salling arms to some ill informed africans of the economic benefits behind their arms suppliers.What I will like you to defend; the Ideas behind EUGINICS.......What somebody in your depth knowledge think of those experiments being carried out in some where around south west africa by a well known German scientist and a Doctor at the early part of 1900.Race purity ,Sterilization,Euthenasia.Does these make some of us more super Humans than the other.This ideas existed before the third reich.I saw a picture where Max Planck was sitting at the middle , the great Albert Einstein was left standing behind, whom we know all his theories has never failed in physics yet.Some of you think Africans don't have history .Where did the Greeks study their sciences?Archiemedies Principle.?What happened to the great library of the Moors, The spanisch destroyed it. If you want to have a healthy discusion fine, I will be glad to have it one/ one . I like facts no being biased. When you say what is accurate ,I will support .But if I raise any issue that is because is good to know how we all view each other in these world.The biafrans you mentioned earlier on your article ,had for centuries well organised system of Democracy before the british came to that African country called Nigeria) and Branded it "Quasi Democracy".It is difficult for africans to have equall treatment on the world stage.Ihave written over these before, that some people like it these way, because the benefit from marginalization of principle ideas that govern mankind , those who are powerful enforce the rules we follow.

  • diposting oleh  di forum Jerman 

    I obviously know enough about African history to hit the nail on the head. For all I know, the actual killing was done among Africans in Biafra. My point was not that this was worse than the World War but that there are sore points in any country´s history.

    And yes, of course I can compare the wars in Africa to European wars. Whyever not?
    Were they the same, they wouldn´t need comparison. Can you guess to what the Rwandan genocide was compared?

  • Pergi ke profil T Y

    diposting oleh  di forum Jerman 

    That explains how Germans are forced to accept the immigrants / multi-kulti by their own government.

    If it was up to the people, there wouldn't be so many Auslaender in Germany, and Germans would be even more willing to live / work with a small number of well adjusted Germans with foreign origins and immigrnts who really want to live in Germany while appreciating the culture.

    But because of the excessive incentives by the government to the prospective immigrants, many are coming to Germany for the wrong reason, fueling the anger among Germans even further.

    And the immigrants give up everything in their home countries to come to Germany only to find out that Germans don't want them in Germany. Both Germans and immigrants are getting screwed.

  • Pergi ke profil John Lovejoy

    diposting oleh  di forum Jerman 

    Nothing wrong with alternative media at all.
    I think it’s healthy to pay attention to a diverse array of media and keep an open mind.
    Opposed to just listening to one point of view and remaining in your own echo chamber.
    There is truth to be found in all.

    I wouldn’t call it Stazi like, that was something different all together
    It’s just a form of Government where the Government believes that they are responsible for the people opposed to people being responsible for themselves.

    When Germany was rebuilt in last century, it was done from the top down and did not come about via natural evolution by the people forming their government from the bottom up.
    I know many Germany that don’t care for the ever increasing bureaucratic micro managing of their lives either these days.
    It’s called the " Entmuendung des buergers".
    But that’s their business.

  • Pergi ke profil T Y

    diposting oleh  di forum Jerman 

    yes, I'm busted. I admit, I do listen to alternative news media radio stations a lot. lol

    thanks for the info though. I knew about the kidnapping Jugendamt. but it sounds like Germany is still under the Stasi control.

  • Pergi ke profil John Lovejoy

    diposting oleh  di forum Jerman 

    “I hear you. the US is actually turning into a pretty scary place (abusive department of homeland security, internet kill switch, currency devaluation, etc).”

    @ Y.T.
    Perhaps you’ve been subjected to a dose of left wing propaganda. :))

    Germany for instance is far more intrusive into your private life than the US.
    They just don’t talk about it.
    The state is permitted to read to private emails for years back without a court order and can persecute you without notice for anything they find in there.
    Even if you delete them they are logged for years back.

    Citizens/ everybody has to register where they live, unthinkably in the US.
    Germany exercises more control over its citizens than any other western nation.
    It’s also be biggest bureaucracy per capita in the world.

    To put it in a nut shell by comparison.
    In the US you exercise your rights, where as in Germany have to ask for permissions.
    Very different feeling.

  • Pergi ke profil T Y

    diposting oleh  di forum Jerman 

    I hear you. the US is actually turning into a pretty scary place (abusive department of homeland security, internet kill switch, currency devaluation, etc).

    honestly, you'll be fine wherever you end up going. chances of getting lynched by a group of neo nazis are just as slim as being "celebrated" by the Germans just because you are black. so the reality lies somewhere in between. you might have to lower your expectation if you don't want to be disappointed.

    remember that when you live in another country, you are a foreigner, so have a realistic expectation. look around and see how foreigners in your country are treated, what they have experienced as foreigners. that'll be somewhat close to what you'll experience in Germany, France, or wherever. life is usually harder as a foreigner. if you are ready for it and ready to start from scratch, it'll be worth it.

  • Pergi ke profil Brandon Hayes

    diposting oleh  di forum Jerman 

    thank you. i appreciate your exactness and understanding. i really do.

    i'm going thru alot in my life. and i'm gonna be in a situation where i can pay off some debts and channel my money into the right direction.

    what makse me hold me head up, is knowing that washington dc / maryland is just one little piece of the earth and oneday i will LEAVE. so i've been fantasizing about a place. Germany was and still is the place.

    but i see that i need to go over there in the right way.

    as you can tell from the videos i posted and the tone of my messages, i'm fed up with alot things. And i really feel like a all around life reboot is necessary.

    At first is was looking at France. then i saw the video of the woman i posted and then i did alittle research and i see that France has issues.

    then i was told Germany celebrates blacks. then i saw the "being black in germany" presentation and i become very inspired and as i read on i started to learn about black germans and so on. But now people like yourself have said that it bad in certain ways.

    and i'm thankful for your frankness.


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