• Menj habeeee brno profiljához


    hozzászóló:  habeeee brno itt Szaúd-Arábia fórum 

    Warring abaya is the culture of the country depend on the religion and whine ever they asked non Saudi people to ware abaya they asked him to be as the local woman I mean Saudi woman so that the culture will not change and nobody no you are Saudi or non Saudi.
    So if you came to KSA acclimatization yourself on that abay is one piece of your cloth. It is very soft and light. If you ware abaya you can go any ware. In Saudi Arabia, they respected woman who, wearing abaya everywhere. For example if you went to the bank, the system requires you to wait you number, but in Saudi Arabia you are submitted to all men. Also if you went to a fast food restaurant or to the money changer and this are happen all matters of life. Saudis viewed the woman as a mother; sister and wife so the men are try to keen hire at rest as much as possible. At the same time they do not like the relation outside the marital home.


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