• agreed!

    hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Németország fórum 

    Yes, I think you are right. Of course governments usually care for the economic aspects and if German companies need workers, that's what they will focus on, everything else being secondary.

    The only thing I don't agree with you on: most Americans don't want Obama legalizing all the illegals, so it's not a question of paying taxes or not. That's important of course, but there is also the question of the language. We do NOT want to see things in Spanish everywhere. Plus there is the fact that illegals are more likely to commit crime, though of course this could be because of the illegal status too. But culture can play a part too.

    What happens is that Americans want to be politically correct too, so they won't tell you to your face. Less to me being originally from Spain. But I have noticed, as soon as I am with them and say something like, well, I'm fed up with having to choose between English and Spanish, I think there should be no Spanish. Ohhhh, then I opened the door and everybody is jumping in to say what they really think :-)

    And you are right, immigrating is a big decision. I'm torn between my eagerness to learn from Germany and my fear of messing up if I move.


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