• Nick Ryan


    hozzászóló:  Nick Ryan itt Kuwait fórum 

    @Christy hi, its been a while since I have seen you. I hope all is going well with you and your family, and if there is anything I can do you know you can always get ahold of me.

    @Kali I don't think I understand your point as to the security of oil in Kuwait. I don't understand what you are referencing, to be honest. You mean Americans are in Kuwait for the security of oil? If that's your point then I totally disagree with that statement. I don't think its possible for a statement about what Americans are doing in Kuwait to be less in tune from the truth in fact. But you are entitled to that opinion. I also totally disagree with your statement that Americans don't respect the cultures and customs of Kuwait. Every country has their people that give us a bad name, and America does have bad people for sure. But as Americans, we strive every day to comply and respect the customs of the countries that are kind about to allow us there as guests, not only Kuwait but many, many others. Speaking for the thousands of soldiers and American people here in Kuwait, the respect we have for the Kuwaiti people is limitless. I've never even heard an American say a bad word about a Kuwaiti in the years I've been here. We are guests of Kuwait, first and foremost. I think we are very good guests. I think if we were not, they would have kicked us all out a long, long time ago. lol

    If I'm misunderstanding your points, please correct me. I feel compelled to defend my countrymen here in Kuwait. I don't think we're as bad as a few people say we are. I think most anyone you met here in Kuwait would tell you that Americans are respectful and good people who care deeply about others, their culture, feelings, and lifestyles.


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