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    Just one week among Czechs (can be mistaken)

    Poslano od   Kto-to Kak-to u Češka forum 

    Well, what is really a problem is that in general people don't speak English or any other foreign language. That is strange, for this country is in the middle of Europe having lots of tourists. It's difficult to ask direction, buy something in a shop, even in tourist districts. Waiters only speak Czech and when they speak English (or think that they are doing so) it is a problem to make anything out because of bad pronunciation.
    Another shocking thing is the habit of blowing nose loudly in public, some people say it is normal in Czech culture, but it took me some time to get used to it.
    Czecks are polite but seem indifferent and negatively ironic. When you see them in the street or in trasport there are absent minded smiles on their faces, and for a newcomer it may seem that they have smoked something illegal (if drugs are illegal there) and went to the world of dreams... But soon after I noticed this strange expression on my face too (becoming Czech probably).
    Smoking is allowed everywhere.
    If you see a bearded guy with long hair be sure he is Czeck, girls also wear long and often messy hair.

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