• עבור אל הפרופיל של Tania W

    Hey David

    פורסם על ידי  Tania W ב-  כווית פורום 

    Hello, I think it depends on who you are whether 5kd is too much. It also depends on how eager you are to learn the language. While there are a few including Vijay who think 5KD is a bit much there could be others who find it perfectly ok. Remember, the writer with the 5KD offer paid 10KD to learn English. Personally from the looks of it, she learned well and it was well worth it to her. There is nothing wrong with trying to recoup some of her costs.

    I think everyone who reads this thread is going to appreciate your view on personal growth, I certainly do.

    I think you and vijay have very interesting opinions on this subject. Remember, they are just opinions. :)

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