• I beg to differ.

    פורסם על ידי משתמש בוטל ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    Dear A.D.,

    sorry to read about your negative experiences. However, I find it a bit premature of you to judge "the Germans" based on a selection of wacko Bavarians of one company. And another thing: did you, by any chance, ever happen to hear how French people or British people speak of other European countries?? Well, let me tell you that they don´t deserve any love-thy-neighbours-awards either.
    Please note that I do not intend to imply you are not telling the truth or something, but, well, I think you are a bit quick to judge us.
    I once had a very unpleasant encounter with a French cop who yelled at me and threatened me for no other reason than me asking him very politely for directions- and it didn´t make me write off all French people as racist, hatefilled idiots.

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