• Daniel Otero

    Dear Tuan

    פורסם על ידי  Daniel Otero ב-  סין פורום 

    Yes, you are in Singapore, but the reality of mainland China is very different and difficult. What I mean by China's leadership, is its government, that has not adequately adapted its people to the realities of the world. Even in present-day, education is a problem in China and those that have money, go study abroad. Presently, it is openning up and however, I see many of my young-adult students with many difficulties of adaptation. You take for example a young 24 year old that behaves like a 16 year old in maturity or cannot with ease speak to others. Consequently, this brings a lack and problems in communication.

    On the issue of extroverts, we will have to agree to disagree. Since most famous people around the world are usually those that are the risk takers and extroverts. And maybe, you have a point, 1 in 10.

    It is not necessarily a problem of Chinese, but of China. The more the government opens up, the easier it will be for all to communicate. You are open minded and I am open minded, but many in China suffer social constraints. In which their is a lack of freedom even from the family for people to have independence or think for themselves, or even to have open and free discussions. This in itself causes much unhappiness. And for an amazing society like the Chinese, this is unfair. China can go further when it opens up. That is the entire point.

    About being Jewish my friend, only in name and ancestry. I shy away from forms of religion, causes too many world conflicts.

    That you for your comments. I enjoy these discussions and if they don't bore you, I will gladly have them.

    I thank you ahead,


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