• Gustavo Reis

    Hello everybody

    publié par  Gustavo Reis dans forum Allemagne 

    We can't judge anyone without knowing them. Generalising ALL people of one country is an ignorance and a silliness. Of course, there are many bad and good people in everywhere.

    Do you want every German to be perfect? There's no use because nobody is perfect and everybody, including me, has fails. We are human beings and were born with fails, faults and imperfection. The world isn't perfect, is dangerous and is full of wickedness. There's badness in everywhere and there's not a perfect country or place. There's not a place free from badness.

    If a person is rude with you, because he/she didn't receive a good education, or had problems with his/her friends and family.

    I'm Brazilian and I have German friends and they never ill-treated me, we can't judge all people because we're not judges. Who is the judge is only God (forgive me for saying it, Atheists).

    I found a very old thread made by a Brazilian guy, the which saddened really me because he judged ALL Germans were rude and racist, if he judged all they are rude and racists, my German friends are rude and racists too. It's injustice and wrong. Not only him, a German discussed him in that old thread that ALL Brazilians were rude and sucked. IT INCLUDED ME. I was really sad. I couldn't defend myself and argue them that Brazilian guy was wrong and not all the Brazilians were like what that German guy thought because these guys wouldn't hear me. I noticed they weren't mature and well-behaved. There's no use to argue they were wrong and not all people of one right country are like because of their ignorance and silliness.

    If you judge all, you'll be judged, and if you condemn them, you'll be condemned, because for with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again.

    I hope you understand it.


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