Joao Lourenco

درباره من

Joao Lourenco
 Joao Lourenco
درباره من:
I my name is Joao, I'm Portuguese an I would like to meet some nice people just to chat, drink a coffe our a beer. So if you want to chat our catch up feel frre to send a message. See ya
زندگی در:
زبان ها:
English, French, Portuguese, Spanish
به دنبال:
38 سالها


علاقه مندی ها:
Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Coffee, tea and conversation, Dining out, Nightclubs/Dancing, Shopping, Travel/Sightseeing, Wine tasting, Biking, Pool/Snooker, Bowling, Football, Jogging, Scuba Diving, Skiing, Surfing, Swimming
موزیک مورد علاقه:
Queen, foo figthers, jack johnson, Dave Mathews Band
فیلم های مورد علاقه:
Seven, Love actually, Braveheart, Snatch, Platoon, Monthy Pyton
کتابهای مورد علاقه:
Da vinci code, Harry Potter, Three seconds
چیز‌هایی‌ که من از آنها خوشم میاید:
Good peolple, Positive things
چیز‌هایی‌ که من از آنها بدم میاید:
stupidity and intolarance
وضعیت ارتباط:


  • Joao Lourenco
     Joao Lourenco

    I've arrived!!!!
    Let's see what is happening...