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    پست شده توسط کاربر حذف شده در پرتغال فروم 

    I'm very sorry for the racism you've endured. It's mind boggling! I'm not as well versed in Portugal as you, though I agree with the notion you speak of. In my short years as a child on the Azores Islands, racism was very real and painful. Painful because I knew it was wrong, it hurts to see something harmful to people.

    I knew people who killed off animals because of the color, be it a chicken, cat or dog...because of color. THAT is how I learned racism is wrong, I knew the cat did no wrong...it was simply black! I knew that people were the same.

    I want to move back to the Azores, however I worry my Hispanic husband wont be accepted.

    My opinion is this, move to North America. California or New York.

    Good Luck!

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