• Tania W برو به پروفایل

    Hi Ahmad

    پست شده توسط  Tania W در کویت فروم 

    8 years Wow! This really is your second home. I have been here for less than six months. You are right, I don't love it either, but then again I don't hate it either. It's ok. For the most part, i hang out with friends from the U.S. and that's really about it. I have not really been able to meet any friends from other countries. I think it has a lot to do with my work schedule. I spend most of my days at work.
    I spend a lot of time at the mall. I shop sometimes but not all the time and enjoy going to the 360 mall for bowling, Avenues for shopping and Marina for shisha. There are times when I take a trip to Fahaheel for MORE Shisha and shopping. Funny how I came here and picked up this smoking shisha thing, I have never smoked a day in my life prior to coming to Kuwait. I must say though, this stuff is great! I do wish I could learn more about the culture from an Arab woman though, that would be nice, just a little difficult to get to know them. I think they have stereotypes about American women and well some of us may have our own notions about them, so it's been difficult to come together. My fingers are crossed though. :o)

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