• Welcome- bienvenue-herzlich willkommen!

    posted by Deleted user in Münster forum 

    Hello Astrid,

    nice to hear from you - I'd definitely be up for meeting one of these days for a tea/coffee :)
    Am living with my hubby and small daughter of 2 1/2 in Münster Amelsbüren - whereabouts do you live? Depending on where that is we could meet someplace easy to get to for both of us or central Münster if you like.
    Our next week's "schedule" is already quite packed but how about Tuesday November 3, cause it's my free day off work - anything in between 9:15 am to 11:30am (have to pick up my daughter from the daycare centre at around 12) or 13-15:45, or after 7:30 for a drink someplace.
    Have a nice eve !

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