• Spanish... Swedish...

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από Διαγραμμένος χρήστης σε φόρουμ Σουηδία 

    God guys stop "panicking"! I actually think that Silvia meant to say that Steffen should make an effort and learn SWEDISH and just wrote Spanish instead. Silly mistake? Well I made plenty of those myself. Thinking ahead and writing at the same and the result was a complete confusion. We're human, we make mistakes... ;-)

    In regards to the topic itself... I honestly don't know Steffen... But as my own experience goes - chances to get a job are way higher when know the language. At least a bit. It also depends on what kind of job you're looking for? Sometimes you might get lucky to get a job in an international company (like IBM, Google etc.) where you could use German-English as a main language and study Swedish to get yourself around in the evenings. That happened to my friend. Not in Sweden though.

    And then I completely agree with Sara. You may not think about it now. But really even though the people speak perfect English they switch into their language all the time and you'd feel left out. Not nice. And you get annoyed. With yourself. (my own experience too)

    But I don't know Sweden at all. Unfortunately. Hopefully some day....
    Anyway no matter how you'll decide, I wish you all the best! ;-)

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