• Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του Danny Simpson

    Email Scams: Christian Gasper alias Allen Martin pretended to be ‘Mark Newman'

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  Danny Simpson σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    Deutschland email scammer Christian Gasper (UK alias Allen Martin) from Wiesbaden pretended to be ‘Mark Newman’ from USA to start a new round of email scams. He used the email address [...] .Previous victims of his Allen Martin email scams and his subscribers have started getting emails from someone under the name of ‘Mark Newman’ on 31st July 2017.

    Dave from AllenMartinScam.com disclosed the full email at http://www.allenmartinscam.com/allen-martin-scam/#comment-64
    5 . Thereafter, others commented they received the same mail, confirming ‘Mark Newman’ is Christian Gasper (UK alias Allen Martin) in disguise.

    Mark Newman’s fake photo used - http://www.ripoffreport.com/d/r1396332-lk6jee-be0wf1brz3/Chr

    Mark Newman’s email scams - http://www.ripoffreport.com/d/r1396332-tqlgmj-q8e5jfydck/Mar

    ‘Mark Newman’ started sending almost daily emails to his subscribers. By the middle of August, he started showing his true intentions by aggressively marketing his Done For You Email Business + Coaching Offer in his mails:


    The offers are similar to his previous Allen Martin’s Done For You Business + Coaching Scams where he offers to setup an online business that is super profitable for his customers first and later coach them on how to setup the business with a No Question Asked Money Back Guarantee. Once the money is transferred to Christian’s account, he would ignore you and eventually deletes all his websites once his scam is exposed!

    George disclosed the emails at http://www.allenmartinscam.com/allen-martin-scam/#comment-75

    The Scumbag is at it again! Beware of the new “Mark Newman Done For You DFY Email Business Scam!” Scammer used the same Email – [...]

    I received this email offer from Christian Gasper claiming to make you $21 000 per month easily. Price? Only $997 for Done For You Email and $397 for coaching. It’s the same BS as his Allen Martin Done For You Scams:

    Just in case Scammer deletes the links, I have saved it:

    The Full Email:
    [Closing Soon] There are only 2 spots left + see what Mary did
    Mark Newman [...] via smtpserver.email
    16 Aug
    to me

    I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to close this offer in just a few hours.
    Below you can see the results Mary was able to generate, all within 4 weeks.
    These are the results Mary was able to achieve.

    What do you think makes she different to you?

    The answer is simple:
    She made a decision to enroll into this program below.
    I know it’s a bit expensive but I promise you, it’s worth every penny you invest today.
    Ohhh… I forgot to mention that I do only have 2 spots left.

    If you are sitting on the fence and you don’t know exactly if you should enroll or not, there are only 2 decisions you have to make:
    a) Either you enroll and you’ll turn your life around within 4 weeks OR
    b) Do nothing and let this offer expire and keep living the life you are living right now.
    Follow this invitation and sign up now for a tiny one time payment of $997 below:
    Click this link to secure your spot => https://marknewman.samcart.com/products/3000-subscriber-24h-

    NOTE: I am only going to allow 5 people to get access to this service – will you be one of them? If your answer is yes, click the link above to secure your spot now.

    Here’s an overview what this service will do for you within 4 weeks:
    – I will build you a buyers list of 3,000 email subscribers within 4 weeks.
    – I will design an entire high converting sales funnel (with all up and downsells included) for you that will collect these subscribers, and put them into your autoresponder, whilst making you passive money 24/7 too. I will create, and design all pages for those lucky 5 people too.
    – Then I will also preload your autoresponder with 60 days of high converting written emails to a) build a strong relationship with your customers, b) to gain their trust, and c) to make you money through them, completely on autopilot.
    Follow this invitation and sign up now for a tiny one time payment of $997 below:
    Click this link to secure your spot => https://marknewman.samcart.com/products/3000-subscriber-24h-

    NOTE: I am only going to allow 5 people to get access to this service – will you be one of them? If your answer is yes, click the link above to secure your spot now.
    Let’s recap of what this concept/service will do for you:
    – I will build you a buyers email list of 3,000 email subscribers within 4 weeks (Special Bonus: If you join today, I will add another 1,000 buyer leads to this core offer for you).
    – I will create, and design an entire sales funnel for you, incl. all pages and copy.
    – I will create all funnel offers for you.
    – I will write a 60 days high converting, persuasive email follow up series to build a strong relationship with your customers, to gain their trust, maintain it, and to sell the right offers to them, whilst being cool to them.
    – I will preload your autoresponder with this 60 days follow up series.
    – The sales funnel, and the emails are designed and written in a way that every email will bring you back on average guaranteed $7-$8 per month in profits. In other words, by just sending these emails over the course of 60 days, you will be making a monthly passive income of at least $21,000, up to $24,000.
    – This service is backed by my 200% money back guarantee, so completely risk free for you.
    – You will also get 1 Year of 24/7 Support.

    Follow this invitation and sign up now for a tiny one time payment of $997 below:
    Click this link to secure your spot => https://marknewman.samcart.com/products/3000-subscriber-24h-
    NOTE: I am only going to allow 5 people to get access to this service – will you be one of them? If your answer is yes, click the link above to secure your spot now.
    Below you’ll find a frequently asked questions to answer your questions:

    Question: “When can I expect to make the first profit?”
    Answer: “You will make your first profits within the first 4 weeks lately.”

    Question:”How to do you generate these buyer leads? Are these solos?”
    Answer:”First of all, these are no solos or anything like that. The way I am able to offer something like that to you is only because I’ve teamed up with some of the biggest people in the product launch industry quite a while ago. Some of these people generate 10,000’s of customers per launch. There are new big product launches coming up every single month as you know. So what we do here is, we’ve added a ton of awesome bonuses to these people’s launches. In other words, every customer who buys their product during the launch will get free access to our bonuses we’ve placed in their members area. These are customers who’ve bought before they joined your list. That’s why it’s so much easier to sell something to them, rather than having a list of freebie seekers.”

    Question:”How long does it take until this list is built?”
    Answer:”You will have that list of buyers built within 30 days. Period! You can expect to receive a bit more than 3,000 buyers. It’s not that easy to stop the traffic all at once ;-). If you join today, I will build you a total of 4,000 buyer leads within 4 weeks.”

    Question:”Can I make $21,000-$24,000 per month every single month?”
    Answer:”Yes absolutely! Since all leads are pure customers, you will make an average of $7-$8 per email address in return every single month. The passive money will be generated through the email follow up series I will upload to your autoresponder. If you act today, I will not only preload your autoresponder with 60 high converting emails that will pull in big profits in a passive way into your account, I will also add another 30 emails every single month into your autoresponder, for 1 year in total. In other words, you’ll be making passive money for 1 year in total.”

    Question:”Did I get you right that I don’t have to do anything at all?”
    Answer:”Yes, you are 100% right! All I need from you is access to your autoresponder to preload it with the follow up series, that’s it. You will also need to send me your warriorplus and jvzoo account log in details. If you only have a warriorplus/jvzoo account, no problem, that’s fine too.”

    Question:”What about the offers? Are they affiliate offers or what? And what niche are they in?”
    Answer:”Yes, that’s right. The list I’m going to build for you is based in the “Make Money Online” niche, it’s the best niche and one of the most profitable ones to make a fortune with. I am only going to pick and choose offers from warriorplus.com and jvzoo.com for you. I will also provide you with a short text you have to send the seller when requesting your affiliate link. If you have problems to getting approved, shoot me a private message on Skype and I’ll handle that for you too, no problem.”

    Question:”How can I get help when I have questions?”
    Answer:”You will have private access to me 24/7 for 1 year in total. In other words, if you have any question, or you need help with anything you struggle with, just send me an email or reach out to me on Facebook. I will help you out asap.”

    Question:”Do you reopen this service maybe in a few weeks or months again?”
    Answer:”No I won’t. The reason is because I am fully booked the next months with the 5 people who join tomorrow.”

    Question:”How does your refund guarantee work?”
    Answer:”It’s simple. If you are not 100% satisfied with the results within 4 weeks, send me a private email to [...], or reply to this or any of my emails, or reach out to me on Facebook and ask for your refund. I am happy to send every penny back to you.”

    Question:”Are there any other costs I have to pay beside the initial investment of $997?”
    Answer:”No, that’s all!”

    Question:”Do you offer 1-on-1 Coaching as part of this service too?”
    Answer:”What I offer as part of this service is 24/7 support for 1 year in total. If you want me to teach you in private 1-on-1 sessions on Skype to scale your business to 7 figures and beyond, there’s an additional fee for that – it’s $397. It’s limited to these 5 people only too.
    Learn how to make 5-figures per day with this Secret Sauce “Private 1-on-1 coaching” => https://marknewman.samcart.com/products/private-1-on-1-coach

    Question:”Can I really expect to make $-7-$8 in ROI within 4 weeks? The average value per email address is $1-$2… why is yours so high? How you do that?”
    Answer:”That’s a very good question. The reason is very simple. If you build a list of email subscribers by giving away free stuff, the average email address value per month is $1-$2. BUT, if you build a list of pure customers who can only join your list by actually buying something from you, then the average email address value is between $7-$8 per month. It’s because these people have already bought something from you. This is what Dan Kennedy said in regards of buyers:”A buyer is a buyer is a buyer.” Someone who bought once from you, will go on and buy further stuff from you, except the fact you sell good stuff to them.”

    Question:”How does the process itself work? I still didn’t get it. Can you please clarify again?”
    Step 1: I will pick and choose 8 affiliate offers for you (W+ and JVZoo);
    Step 2: I will write a 60 days email series for you to promote these 8 products, one every week;
    Step 3: I will upload these 60 emails into your autoresponder;
    Step 4: Then I will create the entire Sales funnel incl. a low ticket offer (Priced @ $4.95), an OTO 1 (Priced @ $17), and an OTO 2 (Priced @ $97) for you;
    Step 5: I will upload this funnel into your W+ / Jvzoo account and connect the dots so you will attract affiliates and make passive sales from your autoresponder series.
    Step 6: I will build you a list of 3,000 + 1,000 (Bonus if act today) Subscribers within 4 weeks
    Step 7: All subscribers go through your sales funnel + they all receive the 60 days email series too.
    Step 8: You make PASSIVE MONEY 24/7 completely on Autopilot.
    That’s all the steps I will take for you, you don’t have to do anything at all.”

    Question:”Don’t I need a domain or hosting for the sales funnel?”
    Answer:”No. I will host all sales pages and products of the funnel for you. BUT, if you already have a domain and hosting you want to use for the sake of this sales funnel, I can upload everything to your existing hosting account – that’s no problem for me.”

    Follow this invitation and sign up now for a tiny one time payment of $997 below:
    Click this link to secure your spot => https://marknewman.samcart.com/products/3000-subscriber-24h-

    NOTE: I am only going to allow 5 people to get access to this service – will you be one of them? If your answer is yes, click the link above to secure your spot now.

    Question:”When will I make the first money if I choose to enroll today?”
    Answer:”The first 1000-2000 email subscribers will be built within 10-14 days, before they join your list, they will walk through your entire sales funnel first. To answer your question, you will be making your first 1000’s of dollars within 10-14 days. Then they will also receive the emails from your email series too. So that’s an extra cash that’s rolling into your account. 10-14 days is the number you will need to wait, max. before you’ll be making your investment back and you’ll be making some really big profits too.”

    Question:”I don’t have the money at the time to join, but I would love to be part of this offer too. Do you offer any split payment plans?”
    Answer:”Sorry, I do not. This is an offer which needs me to put in a lot of work for every new student that enrolls. If I would offer split payments, I would definitely disvalue my own time and work energy. Hopefully you understand that.”

    That’s it for this mail – again, I will only have 5 spots available for this very offer.
    Don’t wait too long because once the timer is over, this special offer will be down and you’ve missed out.

    Follow this invitation and sign up now for a tiny one time payment of $997 below:
    Click this link to secure your spot => https://marknewman.samcart.com/products/3000-subscriber-24h-

    NOTE: I am only going to allow 5 people to get access to this service – will you be one of them? If your answer is yes, click the link above to secure your spot now.

    Talk later,
    – Mark –

    If you do no longer want to receive these emails click here to UNSUBSCRIBE. If you would like to report spam click here to report abuse
    4823 Pretty View Lane, San Francisco, 94103, CA.

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