Silent Poet

Über mich

Silent Poet
 Silent Poet
Über mich:
I am a person with profound aspirations. I only deal with thought provoking conversation. I do not entertain lousy talks. I am very outspoken, many times misunderstood because they mistaken my frankness for being rude. I have few friends because only goodhearted people can understand the depth of my personality. I am quite hard to please not because I am a difficult person, I am just very philosophical. I have this principle: I would rather be hated for who I am than be loved for what I am not.
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  • Silent Poet
     Silent Poet

    Life is a choice. We can't expect life to be a bed of roses. Trials and testings are always come hand in hand with our everyday life. We should be aware that even the most trivial circumstances could be used to test our patience. We can either surrender or live with it. When we learn to accept life as it is we will realize that it is not really bad after all. You will be surprised to find out that life is good and all the trials that go with it only make it more exciting...our happiness lies in us. We should decide....I did and I could not be happier than I am today.

  • Silent Poet
     Silent Poet

    Mending a broken heart will take a while. It is not easy to forget the pain just like that but it will go away soon. For now, I focus more on positive things...The road to recovery is a long journey but I will reach that destination in God's perfect time. Forgiveness is difficult if the pain inflicted hit you to the core but one thing I realized, forgiveness is attainable. To forgive is a choice and so as love!

  • Silent Poet
     Silent Poet

    Filipinos leave their country to find great job to support their families. It is not easy leaving our loved ones behind but the desire to give our families a better life compelled us to put behind all our self interest. It is true that many families transform financially but at the same time many families split up and become estranged. The husband, because of loneliness ( the common reason they used) find someone else to appease his sadness... eventually fell in love and in due course will abandon the family in favor of his new love. It is a very heartbreaking experience but this is happening!