• Justyna Krakowiak

    human rights in eu...cause probably cyprus is a part

    Aufgegeben von  Justyna Krakowiak in Zypern Forum  

    I feel quite ridiculous to argue on online forums cause its like fighting with a windmills and there is always someone to support any opinion aspecialy with no data and picture revealing. But I still feel kind of responsible of making other people llife easier and would like to protect them from wasting their time, energy and money for comming from abroad country to work in a place which doesnt respect basic moral and job rights.

    Adreas if you would to tell me anything you would to that via privat message but you havent done anything like that....the only reason of your post is because probably it is not so easy any more to find an entertainment girls to your bar cause you could only find them via internet where people form other countries cant completly verify your person and your place. The question is why there is not even a one local person or long term stayed in your work place taht can recommend you other workers?
    All the girls I met in your place where from onlline advertisment and from foreign countries. Moreover, they havent know anyone at all in Cyprus and spent mostly their last money on flight ticket so they accepted working condition to be able to save out anything and dont go back with empty hands. That is the true that if people come quite far and say evryone they gonna earn good money during summer they will stay under a lot of bad conditions just to prove their statment.

    As everybody now Poland is an EU country so Im completly allowed to enter Cyprus through turkish side of island...u thought i jum over the border in mountains...wohoho...that would be fun but unfortunately I just went through the border in the middle of capital city and get standard entrance permission. You live on Cyprus but I think so you havent got a big clue about up to date political and law situation.

    I think so Andreas explained himself very well in thiss sentence:"you were just sitting all night and drinking alchool,even if nobody asked you to do it." Even if nobody asked so what happen if did it???!!!

    As everyone knows cyprus is not well known form hospitality but sure is well known from straight ahead using their workers and particular sexual interest. Moreover, when it comes to the work place as bar is not about polite talk but tallking as much as possilble to customers who drinks the most and live the biggest amount of money in the bar and being responsive to their drinks offers(but only the one with fat wallet and friendship of the owner).

    To clear one more thing I was not fired but asked am I gonna put more afford and stay every morning till last customer and behave as an expected entertainer or I can resigne so did I so cause I havent been in bad circumstances and can count on having a room in my friend place.

    There is no possibilities on law case cause freedom of speach is one of the first human rights which all the democratic countires respect...


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