• Anne Fyfe

    Working in Greece...

    Postet af  Anne Fyfe i Forum for Grækenland 

    Hi Jessica..
    Often the grass is greener on the other side...!
    I live here in Greece, full time..!
    Most jobs in the summer are full time on...24/7....
    with little money.... I`m not trying to put you off.....
    I have a web site for Greece.. and have lived here for 15 yrs...! just interested in pointing you in the right direction...
    my web site is www.outofotwners.net it`s free to join...
    Sometimes we have a job section for work on the Islands...
    But mostly... I have to say.. the best way , always to get a job on the Islands.. is to be there....! put out your papers... and let every one know ....,who you are....!

    Do well next year....!

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