• Mohammed Shaikh


    Postet af  Mohammed Shaikh i Forum for Dubai 

    I would suggest you take the help of authorities.

    Please note following points :

    1. An employer should provide a formal offer letter if he is interested to hire a person.

    2. An employer should apply for labor permit for that person to Ministry of Labor ( if out of free zone) or the free zone authorities.

    3. Once labor permit approval is made, then he can apply for the visa for an employee. Only after which a person can enter the country and start the other processes like medicals and visa stamping on the passport.

    Hence, if the employer has provided your sister with offer letter and let you know the status of labor permit approval from the authorities then its on right direction.

    Waiting in another country for these processes to complete is somewhat risky and not advisable.

    I would suggest you to take help of authorities, understand the rules and follow it.

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