Sumesh Kc

Sobre mim

Sumesh Kc
 Sumesh Kc
Vivendo em:
Kerala (India)
English, Hindi, Malayalam
Procurando por:
India, Italy


Photographer videographer
Area de trabalho:
Posição :
Camera man videographer
Profissao anterior:
94472 92074


  • Sumesh Kc
     Sumesh Kc

    Dear Sir/Madam

    I understand that you specialise in finding opportunities for professionals in Cinematographe r. My background includes Cinematographer & Fashion Photographer, and I have 15+ years of experience in the Cinematographer & Fashion Photographer. I am currently seeking a new position and would like to know if you're aware of any opportunities that would be suitable. If you are seeking an experienced professional able to add value to your organisation straight away, I'm your top choice. I am confident that my enthusiasm and skill would be valuable to any company. I've attached my CV so that you can gain a better understanding of my career achievements. You'll see that I have extensive management and operational experience, and I am specifically targeting jobs that will allow me to apply my skills in Cinematographer & Fashion Photographer. I would appreciate the chance to discuss my qualifications and job requirements in more detail. Please don't hesitate to give me a call or email me to let me know when would be best to reach you over the next few days. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours

    Professional Information