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    Are Chinese guys uptight or just shy?

    Postado por  boh tuan em China forum 

    Hi Lorena Galvez.

    They are neither.

    I think your friend who told you that they are happened to mix with a certain group of Chinese who for various reasons behaved that way. You must realise that China's population is more than one billion people.

    Firstly, it is not a virtue in Chinese culture to seduce a lady if you have no intention of having a lasting relationship with her. Do your friend has Chinese friends who each has a wife and a mistress (second wife) living in the same house? There are Chinese men who have.

    They are really not shy, but just want to keep to a low profile; this is another virtue.
    Chinese usually look down on extroverts who talk loud, with full of self confidence, and akin to advertise themselves. Their take is that if you are really a honey the bees soon will gather around you, and people will know you are a honey. You are a Spanish, Roman Catholic? I think Jesus also taught that if you are invited to a dinner, don't sit yourself in the honoured seat. Let the host invite you to sit in the honoured chair.

    Because China has more than one billion people, I think about 90% of these people are still struggling to come out of Maslow's heirarchy of needs. Once they are out of it you will see if they are shy.

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