• Susie M. اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ


    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  Susie M. في منتدى البرتغال 

    Im sorry but the problem is not on my end but rather the English you chose to use in order to make your analogy as I am not the only one who misunderstood you, here. To say that people run away is implying something negative because they wanted a better life for their children. And since I am first generation Portuguese-American/Canadian (born in one, raised in the other) I take offence as my parents left the Azores because they wanted a better life for their children but never forgot their family back home. I dont think my parents even realized sometimes that they were in another country as we all went to Portuguese school on Saturdays and attended a Portuguese church. And I have been to visit family in Portugal many times. Is that enough cred for you?

    I do know what you mean about annoying people of Portuguese background, though. My older brother is one of those. When we were teenagers, he used to yell at me for talking to him in Portuguese outside of the house. Only English or French for him. I had to laugh at him when he wore a Portuguese National team jersey a couple of years ago....

    As for the racism issue. I said all I had to say a few posts ago. I dont think I need to elaborate any further. Every country has its good and bad points but I think stressing that Portugal is the worst for racism is a bit much and full of melodrama. We are probably some of the most mixed people on earth. Racism is stupid and incredibely pointless if you are Portuguese. :)

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