• Nick Ryan


    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  Nick Ryan في منتدى الكويت 

    Full scale and wanton ethnic genocide. Remember that?

    Yes, you guys did allow the bombing of your cities in that part of Europe by the Serbs for a long time in the 1990's. Why?

    In regards to your "pipeline", get on Google and find the proven oil reserves of the Balkans, or better yet the former Yugoslavia as a whole, combined. Then find out what America's proven reserves are. While you're there, research how much of Russia's (yes, Russia) oil flows through the Balkans. Oh, and see how much of that goes to American importers/exporters and what part goes elsewhere. Its a good read, and eye opening for those not in the know.

    I'm sick of people accusing my Country of alterer motives when we dish out more in aid each year then the entire GDP of the countries that accuse us of wrongdoing. I'd love to have a conversation on the merits of our nations involvement with each other based in fact. The truth is the base of an intelligent conversation. In a world where Google is the most visited website in the world, there's no reason to believe we can't arrive at some semblance of the truth before we delve into right and wrong. America does not have a monopoly on being right. But neither do you, or those who blindly accuse us of things we did not do, or have no intention of doing.

    Happy reading, and I hope you enjoy your evening as well.

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