• John Lovejoy اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ


    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  John Lovejoy في منتدى ألمانيا 

    @ YT
    Americans have always risen up, it’s part of our culture and form of government
    Our 2nd amendment grants us the right to be armed in part to guarantee equal power between the people and the government.
    Spend one month in the US and then one in Europe (not just Germany) and you’ll realize that Europe is light years behind on racial issues.
    In the US, theses days most of the race talk emits from the blogosphere, the internet and is used for political expedience more than often from the left, but by and large not a reality on the ground.
    It’s an attempt by the left to immunize our president from all criticism, solely because he is an African American.
    Since when is it politically correct in the US to NOT criticize our presidents or not hold them accountable?
    Obama himself is not plying that game but the far left is.

    I am a part time musician and know for the fact that this is not true.
    Especially in music this a totally none issue.

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