• Daniel Otero

    Dear Tuan:

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  Daniel Otero في منتدى الصين 

    I agree with you on what you say to a certain point. The biggest problem is not shyness, my friend, is social inadequacy. Young men and women that cannot adapt to their age group since they don't have the proper role models.

    Also, an extroverted person can adapt to any environment, that is why most are successful in business. You need to have a mixture of both to make it, introvert and extrovert.

    China is coming out of this and true, China has over a 1 billion people and if you cannot adapt to the world around you, you will be unhappy. I think Chinese are a great society. Nice people, but leadership has made Chinese too uptight and shy in the last 700 years. That was no good! Because it created closure from the rest of the world. Now, China is coming out and being less shy, here is were the difference stem. Now, you are prospering because you are coming out. You see how what a difference openness makes.

    All the best. Your comments are very smart. Nice talking to you and please take care. These kinds of opinions help us know each other better and get over stereotypes.

    By the way, I am Spanish, but not Catholic, I rather say, Jewish. However, I am American born and lived in Spain. Exposure to other languages and cultures made me more open in life. If China does this slowly and surely, it will be successful.

    Cheers. Sincerely,


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